Partner with us

Choosing to partner with Chester FC Community Trust and support our vital charitable work is a great way for your business to make a real difference in our community.

Your support will help us to continue engaging people across Chester and Cheshire West, and improving lives through the delivery of high quality sport, education, health and inclusion programmes, campaigns and initiatives.


• Align your brand with Chester FC - the city's supporter-owned community football club
• Join a network of local businesses supporting an award-winning charity to inspire and improve
Cheshire West communities
• Give something back to the local community and bring your organisation's corporate social responsibilty (CSR) story to life.
• Access new engagement opportunities for your employeers including volunteering and rewards.
• Your organistion may be able to benefit from tax relief on charitable donations to Chester FC Community Trust.
• Capture evidence, data and case studies that can strengthen your company's social impact reporting.

Friend of the Trust

Become a Friend of the Trust to promote your organisation's support for our work across Cheshire West communities.

From walking football to our weekly social group for parents and toddlers, you'll be helping us deliver high quality programmes that support people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds.

£1,500 per annum (£125 per month)

• Company name and logo featured on our website.
• Framed ‘Friend of Chester FC Community Trust’ certificate to display in your workplace.
• Article and photo on our website and social media to highlight your support.
• Tickets for the annual Community Day matchday at the Deva Stadium for your team.
• Regular updates on Community Trust programmes and activities.

Bronze Partner

A great way to demonstrate your company is giving back to the community, investing in our charity as a Bronze Partner will help us reach and support even more people..

Your business will be aligned with a growing club charity that makes a real impact in local communities everyday, increasing awareness of your brand and strengthening its reputation.

£3,000 per annum (£250 per month)

• Company name and logo featured on our website as Bronze Partner..
• Bronze Partner plaque to display in your workplace and digital version for your website.
• Article on club website and in matchday programme highlighting your support.
• Regular social media posts promoting your support across Facebook, Instagram, X and LinkedIn
• Advertising board and free room hire at King George V Community Sports Hub.
• Tickets for the annual Community Day matchday at the Deva Stadium for your team.
• Regular updates on Community Trust programmes and PR opportunities.

Silver Partner

Our work across sport, education, health, and inclusion responds to local issues and in joining us as a Silver Partner, you'll be helping us to tackle these challenges and improve lives.

Your organisation can link with one of the 30 projects we deliver, creating new marketing and PR opportunities, and building the profile of your brand in Chester and Cheshire West.

£5,000 per annum (£417 per month)

• Company name and logo feature on our website as Gold Patron.
• Gold Patron plaque to display in your workplace and digital version for your website.
• Article on club website and in matchday programme highlighting your support.
• Regular social media posts promoting your support across Facebook, Instagram, X and LinkedIn
• Matchday hospitality for four people at a Chester FC game including a two-course meal.
• Two advertising boards and free room hire at King George V Community Sports Hub.
• Regular updates on Community Trust programmes and PR opportunities.

Gold Partner

As a Gold Partner, you will be recognised as a key supporter of Chester FC Community Trust and position your organisation alongside a successful and respected local charity.

With the chance to connect with specific projects through co-branding, marketing and activiations, you can bring your CSR and ESG to life through a mutually beneficial partnership.

£7,500 per annum (£625 per month)


• Company name and logo feature on our website as Gold Patron.
• Gold Patron plaque and signed Chester FC shirt to display in your workplace and digital version for your website.
• Article and photo on club website and in matchday programme highlighting your support.
• Regular social media posts promoting your support across Facebook, Instagram, X and LinkedIn
• Matchday hospitality for six people at a Chester FC game including a two-course meal.
• Four advertising boards and free room hire at King George V Community Sports Hub.
• Regular updates on Community Trust programmes and PR opportunities.