Chester FC Community Trust is pleased to announced it is hosting a Primary Teachers’ Award CPD event in partnership with The FA.
The course, which is free for teachers, teaching assistants, NQTs and PGCE students, will run from 9am to 4pm on Thursday 25th April at the Swansway Chester Stadium, home of Chester FC.
The FA Primary Teachers’ Award designed for any practicing or aspiring primary school teachers and it has been hugely successful in developing teachers’ confidence to deliver high quality PE.
The course presents ideas for lessons using games based around movement skills for 5–11 year olds and the basic principles of invasion games. The tutors show how differentiation and assessment for learning can be embedded in PE lessons and also give guidance to those teachers who might run a school team. It is applicable for those who wish to build on their existing knowledge and those with little confidence of PE or football.
Throughout the course, the tutors will also explain the importance of high quality PE in schools in order to develop confidence, self-esteem and belief amongst children and also the benefits of PE in raising academic achievement across other school subjects.
Candidates will gain a resource booklet and a recognised qualification on completion. At the end of the course learners will:
Have a greater awareness of the contribution of invasion games have to KS1 & KS2 PE purpose of study
Understand The FA’s playing and coaching philosophy (England DNA)
Understand how to set up an organised football activity session
Understand how to organise basic FUNdamental games to help develop physical literacy
Have an understanding of how to modify practices to manage difference
Understand how to set up 4v4 games for young players
Have an understanding of how to further their knowledge and understanding of association football through attending relevant courses
Date: Thursday 25th April 2019
Venue: Chester FC, Swansway Chester Stadium, Bumpers Lane, Chester CH1 4LT
Times: 9am until 4pm (arrival from 8.45am)
Cost: Free for teachers, teaching assistants, NQTs and PGCE students
Tutor: Tom Mulholland (The FA)
Requirements: Please bring a packed lunch and come prepared to take part in practical activities.
To book places for the course, register through Eventbrite here.
For further information email or contact Jim Green on 01244 371376.
Trust to host FA Primary Teachers’ Award CPD